PDF Files

Subject: PDF Files
From: Barry West <Barry_West -dot- S2K -at- S2KEXT -dot- S2K -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 11 May 1995 08:09:30 EDT

>Our department is about to undertake a large online documentation
>project using Adobe Acrobat. I have seen some comments from fellow
>writers about using Acrobat and I would like to hear from you if you
>are using Acrobat to distribute online documentation on CD-ROM. We
>will be creating a CD-ROM with an entire set of documents ranging in
>size from 60 pages to 1,600 pages. We plan to update the PDF files
>with future releases, and I would really like to know if anyone has
>experience updating PDFs and how the hypertext links were maintained.

We had the problem of having to put our docs on CD and maintain the paper
versions as well. Since this had the potential for a great deal of redundant
work, we decided that we would be better off locating and highlighting links
directly in the word processor file (Microsoft Word in this case). This way,
although we have to create new links for each new PDF file, we at least do not
have to spend time locating the respective text to be linked over and over for
each release. The person making the actual links in the PDF file simply scrolls
through the file until he or she finds the highlighted location where the links
need to go. The problem of highlighting the Word file so that the reader cannot
see the highlights on the paper doc was resolved by identifying the highlights
in blue (no underline). When we need to print a paper version, the highlighting
does not show up. When we generate a PDF file, it does.

Barry_West.S2K @ s2kext.s2k.com @ INTERNET

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