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TW Survey
TW Survey
Peter Hager <FAC_PHAGER -at- VAX1 -dot- ACS -dot- JMU -dot- EDU>
Thu, 8 Jun 1995 13:41:32 -0500
Program Needs Assessment: Survey of Technical Communication
Department of English
James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Would you please complete Sections 1-3.
Please place an "X" next to the one response (unless
specified otherwise) that best answers the given question.
Section 1: General Background
1. In what professional arena do you work?
Business or Industry 1___ Local government 4___
Federal government 2___ Military 5___
State government 3___ Education 6___
2. In what work area do your responsiblities generally fall?
Technical writing 1___ Production 6___
Technical editing 2___ Printing 7___
Graphic art 3___ University or 8___
Technical translation 4___ professor
Communications Other:___________9___
consulting/training 5___
3. What is your rank within the organization?
I am not a supervisor/manager 1___
Office-level supervisor/manager 2___
Mid-level supervisor/manager 3___
Senior supervisor/manager 4___
Executive officer 5___
Other: _________________________ 6___
4. In which technical discipline or content area do you work?
Software design/development 1___ Agriculture 10___
Computer design/manufacturing 2___ Environmentalism 11___
Telecommunications 3___ Law 12___
Electrical engineering 4___ Biomedical
technologies 13___
Mechanical engineering 5___ Pharmaceuticals 14___
Architecture 6___ Health care 15___
Publication or printing 7___ Education 16___
Construction 8___ Other:___________17___
Business administration 9___
5. How long have you been working in your current position?
Less than 1 year 1___ 10 - 15 years 4___
1 - 5 years 2___ More than 15 years 5___
5 - 10 years 3___
6. What is the highest educational degree that you have
High school diploma 1___ Master's degree 4___
Associate's degree 2___ Doctoral degree 5___
Bachelor's degree 3___ Other:______________6___
7. In what discipline is your highest degree?
English 1___ Social sciences 10___
Technical communication 2___ Natural sciences 11___
Journalism 3___
Humanities 4___ Engineering 12___
Art/Graphics 5___ Computer science 13___
Communication 6___ Mathematics 14___
Business administration 7___ Health sciences 15___
Education 8___ Medicine 16___
Political science 9___ Law 17___
8. What is your current salary range?
Less than $20,000 1___ $45,001 - $50,000 7___
$20,001 - $25,000 2___ $50,001 - $60,000 8___
$25,001 - $30,000 3___ $60,001 - $70,000 9___
$30,001 - $35,000 4___ $70,001 - $100,000 10___
$35,001 - $40,000 5___ More than $100,000 11___
$40,001 - $45,000 6___
Section 2: Assessment of Need for Program Graduates
9. How many employees work within your organization?
1 - 50 1___ 201 - 500 4___
51 - 100 2___ More than 500 5___
101 - 200 3___
10. How many professionals does your organization employ to
design, write, edit, or produce technical documentation?
None 1___ 11 - 20 4___
1 - 5 2___ 21 - 50 5___
6 - 10 3___ More than 50 6___
11. What is the average educational level of the technical
communicators in your organization?
High school diploma 1___ Master's degree 4___
Associate's degree 2___ Doctoral degree 5___
Bachelor's degree 3___ Other: _____________6___
12. What is the average educational level of technical
communicators hired by your organization to fill entry-level
High school diploma 1___ Master's degree 4___
Associate's degree 2___ Doctoral degree 5___
Bachelor's degree 3___ Other: _____________6___
13. Rank the appropriateness of the program objectives described
Poor Excellent
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
14. Rank the competency areas and courses of the proposed
programs described here:
Poor Excellent
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
15. If you feel the that the program is inadequate in any way,
please specify what you feel the proposed curriculum is
16. How do you assess the future career opportunities for
graduates of technical, scientific, or professional
communication programs such as the proposed programs
described here?
Poor Excellent
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
17. How do you assess the opportunities for a professional
working in technical, scientific, or professional
communication to move vertically or laterally in your
profession to enhance her or his salary or position?
Poor Excellent
1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
18. Would a graduate of a program proposed here be employable in
your organization?
Yes 1___
No 2___
19. How many technical communicators does your organization
anticipate hiring over the next five years?
None 1___ 11 - 20 4___
1 - 5 2___ More than 20 5___
6 - 10 3___ Unknown 6___
Section 3: Assessment of Personal Interest in Proposed Programs
20. Would you be interested in seeking a graduate degree
sometime in the future in technical, scientific, or
professional communication? (If you answer "yes," please
go to Question 22.)
Yes 1___
No 2___
Maybe 3___
If you answer "Maybe," what would make you more likely
to seek such a degree?
21. If you would not be interested in seeking a graduate degree
in technical, scientific, or professional communication,
what would be your primary reason? (Skip Questions 22-26.)
I already hold the terminal degree in my field. 1___
My position does not require that I hold
additional degrees. 2___
I do not have the professional interest in
pursuing another degree. 3___
My current finances don't allow me to pursue
another degree. 4___
I do not have the time to allocate to further
study. 5___
My organization does not encourage personnel
to seek such a degree. 6___
Other:___________________________________________ 7___
22. What is the highest degree that would you be interested in
M.A. 1___
M.S. 2___
Ph.D. 3___
Other: ________________ 4___
23. Would you be interested in applying to the program at James
Madison University if you were offered adequate funding in
the form of a teaching or research assistantship?
Yes 1___
No 2___
Maybe 3___
If you answer "Maybe," what would make you more likely
to apply?
24. Would you be interested in applying to the program even
without financial aid from James Madison University?
Yes 1___
No 2___
Maybe 3___
If you answer "Maybe," what would make you more likely
to apply?
25. In what year would you most likely apply to this program?
September 1996 1___ January 1998 4___
January 1997 2___ September 1998 5___
September 1997 3___ Unable to specify 6___
26. Would you be interested in attending on a full-time
(carrying a course load of at least three courses during
each of the two semesters per year) or part-time (fewer than
three courses per semester) basis?
Full-time 1___
Part-time 2___
Section 4: Assessment of of Need for Communication Technologies
27. Please identify the computer software packages that a
technical communicator in your orgranization typically
uses to perform her or his design, writing, editing, or
production responsibilities (circle all that apply):
Word Processing:
WordPerfect 1___ MacWrite 5___
Microsoft Word 2___ OmniPro 6___
Microsoft Works 3___ AMI Pro 7___
Claris Works 4___ Other: ________8___
Desktop Publishing:
PageMaker 1___ Quark Xpress 3___
Ventura 2___ Corel Draw 4___
Other: _____________5___
Painting/Drawing Software:
Corel Draw 1___ Harvard Graphics 7___
PhotoShop 2___ Animator Pro 8___
Photostyler 3___ Designer 9___
PhotoPaint 4___ Freelance 10___
Graphic Works 5___ PFS: Power Album11___
Vol13/500 Graphicmag6___ Other: _________12___
Presentation Software:
Astound 1___ Persuasion 4___
Powerpoint 2___ WordPerfect
Presentations 5___
Freelance 3___ Compel 6___
Authoring Software:
Toolbook 1___ Quest 4___
Authorware Hypercard 5___
Professional 2___ Other: ________6___
Macromind Director 3___
Multimedia Peripheral Software:
Premier 1___ Disc-to-Disc 5___
SoundEdit 2___ FlyingFonts 6___
Morph 3___ Astound Studio 7___
ElasticReality 4___ Other: ________8___
3-D Software:
Presenter Pro 1___ Strata 4___
Studio Pro 2___ MacroMedia 5___
MacroModel 3___ Other: ________6___
27. Which type of personal computer do you use in your work?
IBM PC or PC-compatible 1___
Macintosh 2___
Other: __________________3___
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