IBM or Mac

Subject: IBM or Mac
From: "Prof. James Lenze, (810) 204-3658" <LENZE -at- LTU -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 1995 13:06:49 -0400

So far I've had a great response to my Mac or IBM question. I suspected that
most of you would be using the Macintosh platform. The results
so far are inconclusive. Most of you love the Mac! Many of you use PCs and
the feeling is that the industry is moving toward the PC.

I have been told that some of you did not receive my e-mail address. Here it
is. LENZE -at- LTU -dot- EDU

I'm a professor of Technical Communication at Lawrence Technological
University. Our program is very new and we're trying to make the program
sensitive to industry needs. If you haven't already sent me a reply, please
take some time and do so. Just let me know if your organization uses Mac,
IBM, or some other platform. I would also appreciate it if you would let me
know of some published data concerning platform use in the technical
communication field.

This is my second day on the listserv and I am loving it! Thanks to you all.

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