Re: Slaton spam: Why don't we use our collective power?

Subject: Re: Slaton spam: Why don't we use our collective power?
From: "Matthew B. Hicks" <matt -at- UNIDATA -dot- UCAR -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 10:01:19 -0600

On Fri, 18 Aug 1995, Rikki Nyman wrote:

> I would love to make history on the internet! Tell me where to send
> my check!

Wow! Spamming really does work! Just the response every advertiser hopes
for (although this is not headed in quite the hoped for direction).

Matt Hicks, Tech. Writer, Unidata * I may not agree with what you
Boulder, CO, (303)497-8676, ******* say, but I'll defend to the
matt -at- unidata -dot- ucar -dot- edu ************* death my right to mock you.

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