Re: Interviewing/getting info from SMEs

Subject: Re: Interviewing/getting info from SMEs
From: Stuart Reynolds <stuartr -at- FIRSTGRAPHICS -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 1995 22:37:05 -0800

-- [ From: Stuart Reynolds * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

> the developers (written stuff, not actual software) that spells most of
> stuff out....

>... How do you do this? Do you get at least a feature list from the
developers to
> start with, and then just develop a list of questions from there? Do you
You have to truly believe in miracles half of the time. Other than that, be
very assertive and show the powers that be, how getting this kinda niput
will benfit them from a cost-effectiveness standpoint. They love to see
things brroken down into dollar values. Show how much time will be wasted
by dox personell having to do "bare bones research", whereas, if the tech
dep't, would provide some insight, it would make the dox team time much more
valuable to the whole project, as their time could be better spent on
producing high end documentation, rather than trying to find stupid, hidden
features and functions. Otherwize.....believe.. ;)

And the lord said
"Let there be light"...
and Hydro said...
"not til you pay
your overdue account"
First Impression Graphics
in Beautiful British Columbia
Canada's Heavenly West Coast

NEW! Windows Ice Cream....

stuartr -at- firstgraphics -dot- com

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