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Subject:Re: Learn COBOL? From:"Kahn, Stacey" <skahn -at- WB -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 23 Aug 1995 11:05:21 U
One reason there are so many gadzillion lines of COBOL code floating around is
that you need to write *so much code* to do anything in COBOL.
Another example of more not being better.
FWIW, I spent a short period of time on a government contract that was ending
five years of development (and decided, nine months before delivery, to do
2167A-style documentation). COBOL on mainframes, tons of information, very sexy
stuff when they started. The programmers found themselves basically
unemployable because no one would pay COBOL programmers anything close to their
Stacey Kahn
SKahn -at- wb -dot- com
speaking for myself and not for my employers