grad tech writing course on the Web

Subject: grad tech writing course on the Web
From: kamaral -at- UMASSD -dot- EDU
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 17:53:22 GMT

I thought the members of this group might be
interested in the following graduate-level course
being offered through the University of Massachusetts
Dartmouth and held completely on the World Wide Web:

Technical and Business Writing
Instructor: Raymond A. Dumont

This graduate-level course introduces students to the
many purposes, audiences, forms, and formats of technical
documents written for lay audiences. Since this is an on-line
course, most assignments will focus on writing and
formatting technical information for Internet and World
Wide Web audiences or for audiences who want to learn about
these resources. By using World Wide Web and hypertext links,
students will interact with the instructor and other members
of the course and peer edit each other's work.

To enroll in Enl. 630, Tehcnical and Professional Writing, you
must have a B.S. or B.A. degree, or receive permission of the
instructor RDumont -at- UMassd -dot- edu -dot- If requesting permission,
include a writing sample (or samples). The sample should be
at least 1000 words.

**There's still space, so if you'd like more information or
want to register, point your browser here:



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