what do you call it when your computer stops?

Subject: what do you call it when your computer stops?
From: Solveig Haugland <Solveig_Haugland -dot- GPS -at- GPS -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 31 Aug 1995 09:58:34 EDT

Several terms are used to describe what happens when your computer just won't
do anything--it's frozen, it locks up, it's hung, and so on. Has anyone found a
dignified, yet clear term to describe this? We've tentatively gone with "if
your computer stops processing" but it doesn't feel good.

This, of course, is to be distinguished from when one is "kicked out" of an
application--when it quits unexpectedly.


Solveig Haugland
shauglan -at- gps -dot- com

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