APL defined

Subject: APL defined
From: Michael LaTorra <mikel -at- HUEY -dot- ACCUGRAPH -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 1995 15:10:32 MDT

Dan S. Azlin said that he had been told that APL was an acronym for
"A Programming Language." This differed from Geoff Hart's definition,
passed along from Jim Prall, that "APL = APL Programming Language
(it's a recursive definition)".

Well, you're both right. My father-in-law (PhD in C.S. and former
prof.) was an early APL programmer. The joke about the APL name
is that is DOES stand for "A Programming Language" but in common
usage it has become "the APL Programming Language". However,
the cognoscenti simply say "I program in APL".

Live long & prosper,
Mike LaTorra

Documentation Supervisor
Accugraph Inc.
mikel -at- huey -dot- accugraph -dot- com
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and not necessarily those of my ][ changing our society is the
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should be. ][ -- Newt Gingrich

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