Release Note Headings question

Subject: Release Note Headings question
From: Barbara Hallnan <barbara -at- EJV -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 12:09:30 -0400


I write the Release Notes for a Software Development
Kit (SDK) at my company. The release notes currently
have the following standard headings:

New Features
Problem Fixes
Known Problems

I'm finding that I need another section for items
that are informational, but don't fit into any of
those categories. The support people want to include
descriptions of software behavior that are features
that are not yet covered in the documentation. For
example, "If the text in a column is followed by
an ellipsis (...), the text has been truncated to
fit in the column. To see the complete text, <do this>"

Any ideas on a heading name for such a section?

Please respond directly to me. If anyone else is
interested in the responses, drop me a line and
I'll forward them to you.


barbara -at- ejv -dot- com

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