Unrestricted Access

Subject: Unrestricted Access
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 1995 09:36:08 EST

From: Me (as edited by Stuart Reynolds)

>>With freedom comes responsibility.
>>Different people approach their responsibilities differently.

From: Stuart Reynolds
>Ahhhhhh, but.... Access to this list is a PRIVILEGE allowed by the
>originator of the list and NOT a RIGHT of being on the Internet. SO
>those who cannot handle responsibility should not have access and
>piss off others who are more responsible. First time access should
>be allowed freely, but
>if they screw up then, "bad file" 'em and do not allow re-access. I
>think it was Arlen who mentioned about having 200+ M/D, mine isn't
>that high, but it does run over 100 and I really don't appreciate
>some asshole sending crap, like they do, out.

I never said anyone had a RIGHT to anything. Not even in my full
original posting.

My point is -


And with freedom, total freedom

- not restricted freedom, or freedom in a bubble, or freedom as
granted by the powers that be -


RISK! (PolySci 101)

Yea, I hate the net-noise also. But, I am willing to sift through the
chaff to find the wheat.

Now that I have disagreed with you, would you propose to have me
"bad-filed" (blackballed) from this list? - Nothing personal, just an
example -

Point: Once the excluding begins, it never ends.

This list enjoys an extremely diverse and active membership. I
believe it is the unfettered freedom of the participants, registered
or not, that contributes to this list's success.

I understand the bandwidth problems, server problems, net-noise

These problems won't be solved by building walls.

Dan Fierro
dfierro -at- lanier -dot- com
dfierro -at- sct -dot- edu
danfierro -at- aol -dot- com

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