Re: Fowler question

Subject: Re: Fowler question
From: "William H. Price" <afn02078 -at- FREENET2 -dot- FREENET -dot- UFL -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 14:52:39 GMT

In <9508278122 -dot- AA812229354 -at- ccmail -dot- iconics -dot- com>, brianb -at- iconics -dot- com wrote:
b> What is the difference between the Folwer books: _Modern English
b> Usage_ and _The King's English_?

b> Is one a different version of the other, or are they completely
b> separate texts?

<snipped and clipped>

*Modern English Usage* is a delightfully maddening and idiosyncratic book
designed for those who find fun in playing with the English language. Where
else, for example, would you find a section on split infinitives headed:
"The English-speaking world may be divided into ... those who neither know
nor care what a split infinitive is; ... those who do not know, but care
very much; ... those who know and condemn; ... those who know and approve;
and ... those who know and distinguish." Basically there is no logic to
Fowler's organization and only familarity will show where to find the answer
to the point of discussion.

*The King's English* is best described from the following from the Preface:
"The principle adopted here has therefore been ... to pass by all rules,
of whatever absolute importance, that are shown by observation to be seldom
or never broken; and ... to illustrate by living examples, with the name
of reputable authority attached to each, all blunders that observation
shows to be common." The "blunders" cited seem to be from the British
world, not from American English.

The first is of far greater use in my opinion. Many a dull afternoon can
be filled grazing in MEU. TKE is, IMO, "prissy" and not nearly as useful
as almost any good college grammar.

Hope this helps and enjoy MEU!

Thinking the best of you, "In the bowels of Christ, think
William H. Price it possible you may be mistaken."
Oliver CROMWELL (1650).
RESPICE POST TE. HOMINEM MEMENTO TE. afn02078 -at- freenet -dot- ufl -dot- edu

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