Web pages, sizzle, and awe.

Subject: Web pages, sizzle, and awe.
From: Howard <howardg -at- SAVVY -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 09:17:38 -0400

Hey, gang.
Q: Have you folks noticed that once you start working on web pages,
people's eyes don't glaze over when you explain what you do for a living?

It is as though writing a comprehensive technical manual is _steak_ and
doing the web pages is _sizzle_ . And, of course, most folks I talk to
about this new aspect of tech writing have seen paper manuals but have
only seen web pages on the TV news shows. I guess the new stuff is
mysterious, techno-savvy, and kinda sexy.

So, if you dont want to be strangled by strangers at bars when you answer
the question that follows "What's your sign," just say, "I design web pages
for the Internet." They won't know what the hell you're talking about, but
they'll think its cool!


Technical Writer
Computer columnist for _Ohio Valley Computing_
Co-Author of the IDG book _Internet Gizmos for Windows_
== I would say it was hogwash if I knew exactly what hogwash was. ==
-- AM Rosenthal

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