Master's Programs Responses - LONG

Subject: Master's Programs Responses - LONG
From: Rikki Nyman <c1043 -at- AZFMS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 1995 10:31:54 -0700

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Again, thanks for all the information. So many people wanted copies of what I
collected, I decided to post it to the group.

I've organized it loosely by school. Each has a source, i.e., the contributor
and a way to contact them privately. Most indicated that they are open to
providing more information.

It is an Interleaf document which I saved in an ASCII format and should come
through as an attachment. If it doesn't I'll find another way! ;-)


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<|,"1">Master's Programs - Summary



***Iowa State University - 5/95


Janet Renze rates their program "very highly on both hands-on and
theory course!!!" For more <SR>
info check out her home page and the IS English Department at:<HR>
Instructors were "great -- many very well published and experienced."


Source: Janet Renze at jlrcgn -at- aol -dot- com



***Bowling Green State University - 1988


"Program Strong points: 'Cognate' structure allows students much
input in program design and <SR>
a range of coursework in your chosen technical cognate." Option to
do a paid internship in lieu <SR>
of thesis.<HR>
Weak points: Program is run by two professors in the English department.
If you like them, <SR>
great, otherwise...It helps that they are contrasting personalities.
I remember being disappointed <SR>
by the graphics coursem which was offered by the Technology School."<HR>
Required courses were good - (technical writing, technical editing
and research and bibliogra<SR>
phy). The course 'Training in Business and Industry' was "superb".


For information: Douglas Thayer at douglas_thayer -at- smtplink -dot- syscom -dot- com -dot- tw<HR>


***James Madison University (Harrisonburg, VA)


Starting a Master's Program next year.


Source: Darcey Harding at stu_dcharding -at- jmu -dot- edu



***University of Central Florida (Orlando)



Excellent program housed in English Department.



<|,"2">***The University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)


<#7f>The University of Waterloo offers a Master's program in Language
and Professional Writing. <SR>
The big advantage to this program is that it offers a co-op stream.
Study 4 months, work 4 <SR>
months. I have friends in the program, and they all rave about it.
If you're interested or want <SR>
more info, the phone number for the university is 519-885-1211. That's
the main number -- <SR>
ask to skeak to someone about a Master's English program."


Source: Kim Fawcett at kfawcett -at- dy4 -dot- com



***Miami University (Ohio)




<#7f>Good program.


1) It gave me experience writing a vairety of types of docuemnts
for a variety of disciplines (e.g., <SR>
environmental disciplines, software documentation, biolgoical sciences,
etc.). This was ex<SR>
tremely ehelpful for me -- I have a bachelor's degree in Communication
from Renseelaer Poly<SR>
technic Institute, and the tech. comm. emphasis there was software
doucmentation. Miami's <SR>
program broadened my perspective.


2) It's a small program (15 people), which means students have a
great deal of personal contact <SR>
with the instructors.


3. It's a challenging program.


4. It requires an internship, which is vital for student who don't
have any experience in the <#7f>real <SR>
world". I'd already worked as a technical communicator for a large
company, so the internship <SR>
wasn't as helpful for me, but I know it was invaluable for my classmates
who hadn't worked as <SR>
technical communicators.


5. Excellent computer facilities. The MTSC program has a dedicated,
up-to-date computer <SR>
labe, and there's plenty of access for everyone.


There were some drawbacks:


1. There was no formal process for getting an internship; we were
pretty much <#7f>on our own". <SR>
Many internships come through personal contacts of the faculty or
former MTSC students, <SR>
which certainly is a limitation.


2. When I was there (1992), we didn't have many opportunities to
lean about and develop online <SR>
documentation. Based on my conversations wit faculty, I think this
has changed quite a bit. Un<SR>
fortuately, some of the professors aren't very familiar with up-and-coming
technologies and <SR>


Source: Corrie Bates at cbates -at- comware -dot- com



<|,"3">#2 ---



<#7f>You might like to look at the web site I've created for the degree
program I'm finishing. If you <SR>
have Internet access, take a look at:




It's the Master's degree program in Technical and Scientific Communication
at Miami Universi<SR>
ty in Oxford, Ohio. I started it last fall after completing a BS
in Chenistry at Butler University <SR>
in Indianapolis.


We do a lot of client projects, keeping the <#7f>real work" scenarios
alive. For example, we wrote <SR>
a real grant proposal for a local zoo research center. Other client
projects are one-one-one with <SR>
student and client. (I wrote a software manual for a computer lab
at the university.) We also <SR>
have an internship report instead of a thesis, so bothe the proctical
and theroetical aspects of tech <SR>
comm are emphasized.


It is difficult to specialize when you're studying tech comm - this
is one of the difficultiies we <SR>
eencounter. Software and computer documentation is growing so quickly
that there are fewer <SR>
jobs in other cognate areas.


I'm realizing that it's difficult to summarize everything about my
degree program. If I've further <SR>
clouded the issue, I apologize! Let me know if I can answer any more
questions. The web site <SR>
may also answer some questions, so take a look!


Source: Anne Munson at ammunson -at- miavx1 -dot- acs -dot- muohio -dot- edu



***Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY)


#1 --


<#7f>Very good, very intensive program tat appears to carry much weight
and respect with managers. <SR>
As recently as four months ago, while interviewing, I was told that
the MS Tech Writing degree <SR>
on the resume is what made mine catch the manager's eye. (I got the


Strong Point: Lots of exercises designed to teach us how to write,
how to organize, how to ask <SR>
question. Hands-on work on layout, style, and following projects
from beginning to end. Alos, <SR>
as it's an engineering school, lots of contact with state-of-the-art
systems, and opportunities to <SR>
wrok with engineering types who are involved in research projects.
And finally, to me one of <SR>
the strongest aspects was the generalization. I was as well-equipped
to get a job at an aircraft <SR>
manufacturing company (which I did) as my classmates were to get jobs
in software documenta<SR>


Weak point: Well, for many, it would be that last strong point I
mentioned. There was little - <SR>
specific- training in software systems that could be applied to a
job. For example, we didn't <SR>
learn C or UNIX. (This may, though, be because I attended the program
at a point when comput<SR>
<|,"4">ing was undergoing a pardigm shift. PCs were virtually unknow
back then. C wasn't nearly as <SR>
widely used as it is today. The course offerings may have changed.)


Most valuable projects:


The ones that made me think about the procedure and writing. My two


* Changing a tire. One sunny afternoon, we were marched out to the
parking lot, one student <SR>
had <#7f>volunteered" her car. Using the procedures in the owner's
manual, we attenpted to change <SR>
the tire -exactly- as the procedures were written. It's harder than
it sounds, there are a lit of as<SR>
sumptions written into common procedure like that.


* Flight manual re-write. On professor passed out about 10 pages
from the flight manual of <SR>
a USAF jet fighter. He gave us the basic concepts of flight controls,
then told us to re-write the <SR>
manual so that it would be simpler for the user.


Enhancements to skill set:


I learned to take procedures and break them down into the simplest
steps, and then clearly write <SR>
out those steps.


If you could add anything knowing what you now know, what would it


More emphasis on desktop publishing systems. (But as I mentioned
earlier, it's quite possible <SR>
that this information if now part of the program.)"


Source: Rick Lippincott at rjl -at- bostech -dot- com


#2 --


<#7f>I went to RPI for my MS (after a MA at Ohio State), and it was
a good programme. Best part <SR>
was that I was able to do it in 1 academic year (FT). Got me lots
of offers, and has been a signifi<SR>
cant marker for many hirers. (4.0 average didn't hurt, either, I
will confess)


The program has gone into decline since I left, but it looks like
it is making a comeback under <SR>
a new department chair.


The other programmes that I have good things about are at CMU, U of
Minnesota (only PhD <SR>
in Rhet and TComm that I know of), and U of Washington (interesting,
in that it si run out of <SR>
the business School, not English or Engineering)


I can point you to some people at RPI and UMinn if you want more info.
RPI has a web page:




There's general school stuff and a special LL&C section. (Language,
Literature, and Comm . <SR>
. . this is where the TComm program is).


Source: Grant Hogarth at GRANT -at- onyxgfx -dot- com



University of Washington (Seattle, WA)


<|,"5">No one responded who is familiar with that program, but there
is a comprehensive list of courses <SR>
for both the undergrad and graduate degrees, including Technical Japanese
for those of you who <SR>
are involved with companies on the Pacific Rim.



***STC Education



Check out:




Source: Lee Byrd at stc -at- tmn -dot- com

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