Inporting Tables into RoboHelp

Subject: Inporting Tables into RoboHelp
From: Gwen Barnes <gwen -dot- barnes -at- MUSTANG -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 21:24:48 GMT

To: techwr-l -at- vm1 -dot- ucc -dot- okstate -dot- edu

-> Is there a relatively simple way to import tables from Word 6 into
-> RoboHelp? So far as we are able to determine the process is relatively
-> arduous.

The tables themselves go in just fine, but the Winhelp compiler does not
support much in the way of table formatting. It will ignore (or complain
about) borders and shading, since those aren't supported.

To get back some of the formatted effect, you can use underlines under
your table headings, but so far as I can tell that's about all you can
do. It doesn't support colored backgrounds either.

Make sure your table fits within your defined help window -- the text in
a table will not wrap in a help window the same way as paragraph text

My favorite Big Kludgy Hack to get a nicely formatted table into a help
file and bypass all the things the compiler didn't want to do with it
was to make it all pretty on my word screen, and then snapshot it and
save it as a bitmap. I then cropped it in "Painter" and imported it into
the help project as a graphic.

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