Re: Discussion Groups for FrameMaker, Word, Etc.

Subject: Re: Discussion Groups for FrameMaker, Word, Etc.
From: Gregory Keith <GKeith -at- DELRINA -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 1995 10:16:00 PDT

"I would like to know the names and addresses of any discussion groups
or newsgroups focusing the following:
On-Line Help Utilities (e.g., RoboHelp)
We're in the midst of change here and need to find out all we can
regarding these applications.
Jason Peteson
Technical Writer
Spillman Data Systems, Inc."


Below is a list of many mailing lists. Thanks to Debbie Lemasters and David
Levinson for their help with compiling this information.


Gregory Keith
Technical Writer
Symantec/Delrina Canada
Toronto, Ontario
gkeith -at- delrina -dot- com

"Be obscure clearly" - E.B. White

There's also the Internationalization Mailing List:
Address: insoft-l -at- magellan -dot- iquest -dot- com -dot-

Topic: Copyediting (discussion)
Address: listproc -at- cornell -dot- edu
Message: subscribe copyediting-l Your Name

Topic: Usability testing & human factors (discussion)
Address: listproc -at- hubcap -dot- clemson -dot- edu
Message: subscribe UTEST Your Name

Topic: Human factors (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- LISTSERV -dot- VT -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe HFS-L Your Name

Topic: Microsoft Word on PC (discussion)
Address: WORD-PC-Request -at- ufobi1 -dot- uni-forst -dot- gwdg -dot- de
Message: subscribe word-pc Your Name
or to receive one consolidated message a day...
subscribe word-pc-digest Your Name

Topic: Microsoft Word on Mac (moderated discussion)
Address: listproc -at- scu -dot- edu -dot- au
Message: subscribe word-mac Your Name

Topic: Windows Help authoring (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- ADMIN -dot- HUMBERC -dot- ON -dot- CA

Topic: Windows Help authoring (free monthly newsletter)
Address: wai -at- ix -dot- netcom -dot- com
(the address of Ben Weisner; for a subscription, address him as
one human to another)

Topic: Windows For Workgroups (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- UMDD -dot- UMD -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe WFW-L Your Name

Topic: Microsoft Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-microsoft Your Name

Topic: Microsoft MediaView (discussion)
Address: listproc -at- willamette -dot- edu
Message: sub MEDIAVIEW-L your name

Topic: FrameMaker (discussion)
Address: majordomo -at- math -dot- mcgill -dot- ca
Message: subscribe framers Your Address

Topic: SGML (some discussion of use; not a very busy list)
Address: LISTSERV%DHDURZ1 -dot- BITNET -at- CUNYVM -dot- CUNY -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe SGML-L Your Name

Topic: SGML (about the standard more than about how to use it)
Address: comp-std-sgml-request -at- naggum -dot- no
Message: subscribe comp-std-sgml Your Name

Topic: HTML authoring (discussion)
Address: listserv -at- netcentral -dot- net
Message: sub html-list Your Name

Topic: HTML authoring (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- LISTSERV -dot- UNB -dot- CA
Message: subscribe wwwdev Your Name

Topic: HTML (Writers Guild Email Discussion List)
Address: majordomo -at- list -dot- stanford -dot- edu
Message: subscribe html-authors-guild Your Address
(Web: )

Topic: Indexing (discussion)
Address: listserv -at- bingvmb -dot- cc -dot- binghamton -dot- edu
Message: subscribe index-l Your Name

Topic: WordPerfect for Windows (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- UBVM -dot- cc -dot- buffalo -dot- edu
Message: subscribe WPWIN-L Your Name

Topic: WordPerfect products (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- UBVM -dot- cc -dot- buffalo -dot- edu
Message: subscribe WPCORP-L Your Name

Topic: WordPerfect Office (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- BYU -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe WPOFFICE Your Name

Topic: WordPerfect 5.1 (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- ACADVM1 -dot- UOTTAWA -dot- CA
Message: subscribe WP51-L Your Name

Topic: WordPerfect Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-wordperfect Your Name

Topic: Interleaf (discussion)
Address: ileaf-request -at- nmhg -dot- com
Message: subscribe Your Address Your Name and/or whatever else
(A human being reads the message.)

Topic: ISO 9000 and all that (discussion)
Address: Listserv -at- VM1 -dot- nodak -dot- edu
Message: subscribe iso9000 Your Name

Topic: Electronic publishing (discussion of effect on publishing &
Address: listproc -at- cosn -dot- org
Message: sub epub Your Name

Topic: Quark Xpress (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- IUBVM -dot- UCS -dot- INDIANA -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe QUARKXPR Your Name

Topic: Adobe Photoshop (discussion, largely tech support)
Address: listproc -at- bgu -dot- edu
Message: subscribe Photoshop Your Name

Topic: Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premier (discussion, largely technique)
Address: LISTSERV -at- WSUVM1 -dot- CSC -dot- WSU -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe ADOBEPS Your Name

Topic: Adobe Illustrator (discussion)
Address: listserv -at- netcom -dot- com
Message: subscribe ILLSTRTR-L Your Address

Topic: Adobe Acrobat (unofficial email list)
Address: acrobat-request -at- blueworld -dot- com
in the body of the message type: subscribe

Topic: Adobe Acrobat & PDF (discussion)
Address: Majordomo -at- binc -dot- net
Message: SUBSCRIBE PDF-L Your Name <Your Address>

Topic: Adobe Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-adobe Your Name

Topic: PageMaker (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- INDYCMS -dot- IUPUI -dot- EDU

Topic: Desktop publishing, particularly PageMaker (discussion)
Address: digestif -at- antigone -dot- com
Message: subscribe dtp-l Your Name

Topic: TeX
Address: LISTSERV -at- SHSU -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe INFO-TeX Your Name
(discussion; this is ported to comp.text.tex.)
subscribe ctt-Digest Your Name
(for daily digest of comp.text.tex postings not from INFO-TeX)
subscribe Ling-TeX Your Name (discussion: Linguistics and TeX)
subscribe TeX-Pubs Your Name (TeX periodicals, redistribution)

Topic: Apple Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-apple Your Name

Topic: DEC Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-dec Your Name

Topic: Hewlett-Packard Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-hp Your Name

Topic: IBM Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-ibm Your Name

Topic: Oracle Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-oracle Your Name

Topic: Sun Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-sun Your Name

Topic: Unisys Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-unisys Your Name

Topic: Working in the computer industry (news & politics)
Address listserv -at- Sunnyside -dot- com

Topic: Information technology (abstracts of news)
Address: listproc -at- educom -dot- edu
Message: subscribe edupage

Topic: Innovative trends in business & technology (news summary, $15/yr)
Address: Innovation-Request -at- NewsScan -dot- Com
Message (to get a sample copy): subscribe

Topic: Public domain and freely available electronic text
Address: samizdat -at- world -dot- std -dot- com
(the message will go to Richard Seltzer; for a subscription,
address him as one human being to another)

Topic: Marketing communications (discussion)
Address: listserv -at- rmii -dot- com
Message: subscribe htmarcom
or to receive collections of messages rather than individual messages...
subscribe htmarcom-digest

Topic: Language and translation (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- SEARN -dot- SUNET -dot- SE
Message: SUB LANTRA-L Your Name

Topic: Graphic design (discussion)
Address: listserv -at- ulkyvm -dot- louisville -dot- edu
Message: subscribe graphics Your Name

Topic: Information design
Address: majordomo -at- uva -dot- nl
Message: subscribe infordesign

Topic: Copyright (learned discussion)
Address: listproc -at- cni -dot- org
Message: subscribe cni-copyright Your Name

Topic: Vocabulary (online dictionary, etc.)
Address: wsmith -at- wordsmith -dot- org
Subject (not message): subscribe Your Name

Topic: Apple Guide help authoring
Address: listserv -at- list -dot- peter -dot- com -dot- au
Message (no subject): SUBSCRIBE APPLE-GUIDE your_name

Topic: Microsoft Word on PC (discussion)
Address: WORD-PC-Request -at- ufobi1 -dot- uni-forst -dot- gwdg -dot- de
Message: subscribe word-pc Your Name
or to receive one consolidated message a day...
subscribe word-pc-digest Your Name

Topic: Microsoft Word on Mac (moderated discussion)
Address: listproc -at- scu -dot- edu -dot- au
Message: subscribe word-mac Your Name

Topic: Windows Help authoring (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- ADMIN -dot- HUMBERC -dot- ON -dot- CA

Topic: Windows Help authoring (free monthly newsletter)
Address: wai -at- ix -dot- netcom -dot- com
(the address of Ben Weisner; for a subscription, address him as
one human to another)

Topic: Windows For Workgroups (discussion)
Address: LISTSERV -at- UMDD -dot- UMD -dot- EDU
Message: subscribe WFW-L Your Name

Topic: Microsoft Product and Training Information
Address: listproc -at- ucdavis -dot- edu
Message: subscribe ucd-microsoft Your Name

Technical Illustrators Mailing List:
techill-request -at- uplex -dot- net

Also, the following Web sites offer pointers to further newsgroups and
mailing lists:

Try these World Wide Web sites:
for 16 LISTSERV addresses, including this one.

for 19 newsgroups, including this one.
for 3 LISTSERV addresses, including this one.
for 7 LISTSERV addresses, including this one.
for 12 newsgroups, including this one.
for 3 LISTSERV addresses, including this one.
for 26 LISTSERV address, including this one.
for 23 newsgroups, including this one.
(Our very own Eric Ray of TECHWR-L fame)

These sites mention many of the same lists and

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