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Subject:BGSU STC web page From:"Leslie K. Gasser" <lgasser -at- BGNET -dot- BGSU -dot- EDU> Date:Wed, 1 Nov 1995 09:28:06 -0500
The Bowling Green State University student chapter officers, advisor, and
members are very, very happy to let you know that our web site is up and
running too. You can access it through the STC chapter pages (Region 4),
or at the following URL:
Our page is designed to tell other BGSU students who we are and what we do,
to keep our chapter members updated on what is happening in the chapter,
and to let STC members from other chapters learn more about us as well. We
would appreciate any feedback you can give us!
Leslie K. Gasser
BGSU UCS Documentation
Phone: 419-372-7740
E-mail: lgasser -at- bgnet -dot- bgsu -dot- edu