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Subject:Re: New virus by email - vicious one From:Keith Soltys <ksoltys -at- IO -dot- ORG> Date:Fri, 3 Nov 1995 12:46:30 -0500
In article <199511030422 -dot- XAA07646 -at- io -dot- org>, you wrote:
>Eric, I think this affects us all. Most of us don't hang around any virus
>or newsgroups.
>I just received an urgent virus alert from my company, a vicious one that
>propagates by email. That means US!
>Text follows.
>Please do not read any mail messages with the subject
>"Good Times" it may contain a virus. Just delete the message.
Not another one!
This one is almost as bad as the Blue Star acid tattoo hoax (which just hit
my son's school).
Or go into Yahoo or OpenText and do a search on "Good Times Virus".
Please check it out. As technical writers, we have a responsibility to
disseminate accurate information.
Keith Soltys -- ksoltys -at- io -dot- org --
Technical Writer, Technical Development, Dow Jones Telerate Canada Inc.
Certainly the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you;
if you don't bet, you can't win. --Robert A. Heinliein