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Subject:Re: WARNING LABEL From:"Matthew B. Hicks" <matt -at- UNIDATA -dot- UCAR -dot- EDU> Date:Sun, 12 Nov 1995 11:28:05 -0700
On Fri, 10 Nov 1995, Bob Morse wrote:
> I got this via e-mail from a friend, and thought you other literary
> types might appreciate it:
> >Was in Mississippi this week and bought a book in the airport. The page
> >before page one of The Book of Guys by Garrison Keillor reads
> >
> > I M P O R T A N T
> >
> >Book reading is a solitary and sedentary pursuit, and those who do are
This should of course have been written: "Reading books is ..." The only
verb in the first clause is "is", so the "those who do" part means "those
who exist". Even with this change, it still wouldn't be a very good
Matt Hicks, Tech. Writer, Unidata * I may not agree with what you
Boulder, CO, (303)497-8676, ******* say, but I'll defend to the
matt -at- unidata -dot- ucar -dot- edu ************* death my right to mock you.