Re: Why disguise f**r-letter w*rds?

Subject: Re: Why disguise f**r-letter w*rds?
From: Nancy McDonald-Kenworthy <McDonald-Kenwort -dot- 5 -at- OSU -dot- EDU>
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 1995 14:05:31 -0500

>I have seen many messages that have used "f*ck" or "f--k" or some other
>variation. (...) Does anyone know how this practice got started
>(and why it continues?) - Brian Boisvert

Actually, It is ironic that the origin of f.u.c.k. was meant to be an
acroynym/euphemism to cover up the "awful truth"... "Fornication Under
Carnal Knowledge." I can't remember where exactly I heard that.. but I
seem to recall it came from 17-18th century England... correct me if I'm
way off the mark...
DH Lawrence wrote this poem called "Conundrums"
Tell me a word
that you've often heard,
yet it makes you squint
if you see it in print!

Tell me a thing
that you've often seen,
yet if put in a book
it makes you turn green!

Tell me a thing
that you often do,
which described in a story
shocks you through and through!

Tell me what's wrong
with words or with you
that you don't mind the thing
yet the name is taboo.

Forgive me, but then, this *is* the weekend... we should be able to afford
poetry once in awhile..

Nancy A. McDonald, Freelance Writer, Editor, Desktop Publisher
Athena's Pen... <McDonald-Kenwort -dot- 5 -at- osu -dot- edu>
52 Walhalla Road
Columbus, OH 43202

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