Re: The Death of the Apostrophe: "IT'S", not "ITS"

Subject: Re: The Death of the Apostrophe: "IT'S", not "ITS"
From: LaVonna Funkhouser <lffunkhouser -at- HALNET -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 1995 08:10:10 -0600

>But, isn't that supposed to be "it's", the contraction, not "its" the
>possessive. Oh, weep for the misunderstood and abandoned.

I even saw "its'" in one of my favorite web pages yesterday. (Which
starts me on another thread: The Web makes it so easy to publish
informatiion that nobody seems to bother with running their pages
past an editor!)

The problem that I see very often is "'s" used for plurals--and
I *hate* it! It is not just the small, handpainted signs, those
marquee signs that all the fast food restaurants have, and sale
markers in the local stores. No! The problem includes a 6-ft.,
cut-out metal sign in front of a local establishment that
declares, "DONUT'S."

By the way, I don't know where the columnist got the "below 35" figure,
but I distinctly remember being taught how to use apostrophes--to my
teachers' credit. Perhaps the majority chose not to bother to *learn*.

I'd better stop before I really get going...

LaVonna F. Funkhouser Immediate Past President, OK Chapter
lffunkhouser -at- halnet -dot- com Program Manager, 1995 Region 5 Conf.
COREStaff Communication Svcs. Society for Technical Communication

My opinions do not officially represent anyone other than little ol' me.

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