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Subject:Re: Death of Apostrophe/sick hyphen From:"Andrew D. Todd" <adtodd -at- MAILBOX -dot- SYR -dot- EDU> Date:Thu, 16 Nov 1995 00:32:06 -0500
On Wed, 15 Nov 1995, Peter Kent wrote:
> "do we need books anymore, when we have multimedia." Another participant, in
> his early 20s I think, stated that for his generation the printed word really
> wasn't very effective anymore, and that multimedia was a quicker way to share
> information.
That participant was an idiot. Ever try reading "Moby Dick" while siting
at a computer terminal?
That's my two cents,
Andy Todd (20-something....)
adtodd -at- mailbox -dot- syr -dot- edu