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Subject:Re: Brainstorm for toolbar button From:Sarah Lee Bihlmayer <tecscrib -at- SIRIUS -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 29 Nov 1995 09:46:19 -0700
I've gotta give this default-button question a shot.
Here's an idea: since products are shipped with default settings, you could
describe their usage as "doing it by the book." How about an icon that
looks like a book of some sort? Perhaps open and shown at an
over-the-shoulder sort of angle to distinguish it from other possible
Then there's Kevin Harper's comment:
>But is a toolbar button that displays a defaults dialog really necessary?
This is a good point, and I have to agree that I've never seen this sort of
button on a toolbar either. However, a default button might be useful in
dialogs...many apps I use heavily have a Default button (marked with text)
that the user can click to return the settings to the program defaults.
There is an added benefit--using icon buttons can also help to reduce the
physical size of dialogs.
Sarah Lee Bihlmayer
"God is in the details." --Frank Lloyd Wright
Sarah Lee Bihlmayer
Print and Online Documentation Specialist
Technical Writing * Technical/Developmental/Copy/Production Editing
Technical Illustration * Electronic Prepress * Graphic Design
POB 27901-312, San Francisco CA 94127 * 415-207-4046 * tecscrib -at- sirius -dot- com