DOS Screen capture under Windows 95

Subject: DOS Screen capture under Windows 95
From: Carl Stieren <stieren -at- DEV -dot- SIMWARE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 1995 16:24:40 -0500

Dear Colleagues:

Have I got one for you!

I'm trying to capture screens from a DOS box under Windows 95,
so I can convert the resulting bitmaps into grayscale or
"lineart" bitmaps to include in a printed user's guide.

We have to capture screens in a DOS box, since our application,
the REXXWARE Migration Toolkit, runs via RCONSOLE in a DOS box.
For you folks who have dabbled in Novell NetWare, the Toolkit's
UI looks just like PCONSOLE or SYSCON. It even has the blue and
green colors.

When we were running Windows for Workgroups 3.11, happiness was.

Now we're running Windows 95, and I can't grab screenshots with
Alt+PrintScreen, save them as .BMP files and open them in
Micrografx Designer's Photo Magic, and save them as "line art"
bitmaps anymore.

What happens is that they fill in what should be white with black.

So ... I found what I thought was a solution.

I used Micrografx Photo Magic, and under "Image/Effects", I increased
both the brightness and the contrast by +2. This allowed me to, once
again, save the bitmap as a "line art" bitmap, and we could print it
in our User's Guide.

Happiness? Not quite.

For, alas, the size of the DOS Window in Win 95 had changed!

The 6 x 12 DOS window (the smallest which gave us good resolution)
is now 6.5 inches wide!

Under Windows 3.11, the DOS Window was 5.5 inches wide.

Our printed manual allows a maximum width of 6", since the book
is 7" x 9"

I tried Corel Draw's Photo Paint 4.0, and got acceptable line art
b & w resolution, but there's still no solution to the size problem.


Carl Stieren, Information Developer
Simware, Inc. // Ottawa, Ontario CANADA email: stieren -at- simware -dot- com

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