Portfoilio Design (Summary - Long)

Subject: Portfoilio Design (Summary - Long)
From: Michael Keith Anderson <mka -at- IX -dot- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 12:18:13 -0600

Hello everyone:

First of all, my email address is changing after this post to:

mka -at- cris -dot- com

About a week ago a posted an RFI for portfolio design with a promise for =
a summary if there was interest. Well, I received more interest messages =
than ideas for portfolio design. However, I got good feedback from a few =
people and it's listed below.

The original posting was:

I have a job interview Tuesday, and I was wondering how some of you have =

presented your writing portfolios in the past. Specifically, I was=20
thinking of using a 3-ring binder with a clear view sleeve so I can=20
place a cover sheet in it. However, I would like to be a little bit=20
different and I thought somebody out there may have done some really=20
creative portfolios.

Richard G. Harris (rgh -at- WORLD -dot- STD -dot- COM) wrote:

Probably not unique--but important--be sure put a table of contents in
the front.

Julie A. Zagorski (juliez -at- NIGHTOWL -dot- NET) wrote:

I did pretty much what you are proposing, I printed a color flyer for my =

Business name and address, phone etc.and placed it in the front panel of =
Then filled it with page protectors and divided it into the sections I =
describe my work. I even included an area when I can put samples of =
work on=20
specialty paper I got from a <Plug> Paper Direct Sample Paper Kit =

Janet Renze (Jlrcgn -at- aol -dot- com) wrote:

I used a 3-ring/clear sleeve for my portfolio just a few months ago when
looking for employment after graduation. Put in a colored cover sheet
(customized) and used the same color paper for dividers inbetween=20
sections inside (for different types of samples). tried to use to color =
boster the "appeal" of my portfolio.

At the Chicago regional STC mtg. in October, I went to part of a session
on portfolios and the presenter recommended a nice leather 3 ring. Other
samples had leather carriers of other sorts to accommodate large pieces/
manuals. One other cool idea was getting some preprinted paper (like
from a catalog i.e. Paper Direct) to use for the cover/section headers.
One of the best ideas i got was from a prof who said to write a TOC for
your portfolio, and then guide readers through the collection from that. =

David Castro (techwrtr -at- crl -dot- com) wrote:

Kinko's has some really professional looking binding that they do. It'll =

make it look as though you spent more time on it than you did.

Keith Anderson

mka -at- ix -dot- netcom -dot- com
mka -at- cris -dot- com
mkanderson -at- ualr -dot- edu

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