Re: PCMCIA cards

Subject: Re: PCMCIA cards
From: Bev Parks <bparks -at- HUACHUCA-EMH1 -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL>
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 11:02:44 MST

I've received several responses to my PCMCIA Card question. A
quick, general summary is that "PC Card" (note the capital C in
Card) is accepted usage. Where "PC card" is a generic name used
to refer to any kind of card or board that gets placed inside a
computer box, "PC Card" refers specifically to a PCMCIA Card.

A direct analogy would be "internet" and "Internet".

In verbal communication, the terms are ambiguous, but in written
communication we all understand the difference.

Thanks to everyone who replied.

Bev Parks
bparks -at- huachuca-emh1 -dot- army -dot- mil

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