My, we're all just working like DOGS around Christmas, aren't we?

Subject: My, we're all just working like DOGS around Christmas, aren't we?
From: Patrick O'Connell <titanide -at- MICRO -dot- ORG>
Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 11:25:34 -0500

Sorry, but I simply could NOT resist. When I saw the size of the list
digest for the last 24 hours I thought someone had auto-replied to the
listserver quoting the entire digest -- wouldn't have been the first time
this has happened.

Is everybody in the mood to do anything but work, or are we acting out in
listspace because of holiday stress overload?

PatO' Throwing himself into his new,
low-paying but interesting job with a local
Internet service provider, telephone
support techie at

GENERATION.NET right here in wintry, snowbound

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA where, despite the stop-time snow removal
resulting from union-vs.-city blue-collar
disputes in recent weeks, we're still glad
we're not living in

BUFFALO, NEW YORK where, reportedly, they received 95 cm in
just one recent snowstorm. We've received
a grand total of 118 ccm so far this
winter. Notwithstanding that we may soon
set a "most snow ever before date mm:dd"
record sometime soon, we know when not to

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