MS Exchange vs. IBM Mainframe Configuration Warning

Subject: MS Exchange vs. IBM Mainframe Configuration Warning
From: Guy McDonald <guym -at- DAKA -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Dec 1995 03:21:48 -0800

Stan Brown[SMTP:stbrown -at- nacs -dot- net] asks:

In techwr-l, you wrote about resume scanning, but appended to your message
was the following:

>------ =_NextPart_000_01BACF98.BCC4C260
>Content-Type: application/ms-tnef
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

<snip> (more garbage in MIME code)

My reply:

Stan, (and the whole list)

Unfortunately this Tech Writer list uses an IBM mainframe, that Eric (List
Owner) informed me chokes with some formats. The damn thing doesn't like
word-wrap, hence the "=" symbols at the end of sentences I have posted. I
also believe the mainframe cannot recognize rich text formatted messages
(which may have been sent) since I use the Windows 95 platform & Office
suite. This message is in ASCII, instead of MIME, which should do the
trick. Sorry about the garbled crap on the end of the post...... Take
care. If anyone has further thoughts to enlighten myself or others, please
post a reply.

Guy McDonald
guym -at- daka -dot- com

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