Re: Thanks to native speakers

Subject: Re: Thanks to native speakers
From: Kat Nagel/MasterWork <katnagel -at- EZNET -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 27 Dec 1995 15:00:34 -0400

Alexander wrote:

>I am quite shure that most of you laugh about my messages from time to time.
> It even happens that I receive private messages correcting a word or a
> sentence.

I find your insights novel and helpful. As for the corrections you
receive, I think it's just our natural compulsion to edit another person's
work. I used to edit the letters my grandmother sent to me at summer camp.
Eventually I learned not to send her back the edited versions.

Thank you for making the list more useful. I wish more of our
non-English-language-based (whew...lookit all those hyphens!) colleagues
would comment on terminology and usage issues. With more and more of the
stuff I write going off to the far corners of the globe (with and without
translation), it would be helpful to know how writers in other countries
deal with these issues.

>So enjoy my involuntary jokes as I enjoy these international contacts. Have a
> peaceful Christmas and let's continue next year!

I, too, am looking forward to a new year with an emailbox filled with
TECHWR messages. Even with the bandwidth we wasted on the recent Topic
Wars, this is still one of the most useful and enjoyable lists I've

May we all return after the holidays with tempers eased, humor restored,
and lots and lots of fervently-held opinions about our profession.

Kat Nagel________MasterWork Consulting Services
LIFE1(techwriting/docdesign) katnagel -at- eznet -dot- net
LIFE2(vocal chamber music) PlaynSong -at- aol -dot- com

"1st Law of Feline Thermodynamics:
Heat flows from a warmer to a cooler body --- except
in the case of a cat. ALL heat flows to the cat."
---------------------------Mendenhall/Cat Physics (c)1993

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