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Subject:Re: PostScript. From:Matt Ion <soundy -at- NEXTLEVEL -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 8 Jan 1996 12:56:21 0800
In <199601081845 -dot- KAA19844 -at- fun -dot- direct -dot- ca>, on 01/08/96 at 12:10 PM,
Stuart Reynolds <reynolds -at- IC -dot- NET> said:
>If I had my typography "bible" =
>with me, I could quote you the actual differences and why one is better =
>than the other, and in which circumstances.
I'm going from a distant memory here, but aren't TT fonts a bitmapped type,
while Adobe fonts are vectored? I seem to remember the technical difference
being something similar to that, in concept at least.
>And yes, when it comes to fonts, the general rule is, if they cost more, =
>they are much better. Usually because, as Arlen notes, the more =
>expensive ones, come from higher end "foundries". =20
In other words, you get what you pay for? :-)
There are actually a lot of really well-done Adobe fonts lurking about on
shareware/freeware sites. Check for
Your friend and mine,
---*** NOTE: Windows 95 Fixpack now available! ***---
See for more info!
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Productions, or anyone else of sound mind from this planet or dimension!