Re: Certification - Canadian Degrees

Subject: Re: Certification - Canadian Degrees
From: Anne Weiler <annew -at- CHANCERY -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 09:29:20 -0700

The University Waterloo offers Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Rhetoric
and Professional Writing. There are required courses in Business and
Technical Writing. It's not a Technical Writing degree per se, but the
program produces a lot of technical writers. The co-op option has a lot to
do with this.

I don't think that UBC offers any technical writing, however Simon Fraser
University (also in B.C.) offers a certificate in Techincal Writing, as
well as Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD's in Communications.

My guess would be that University of Waterloo produces the most technical
writers. However, this is a completely biased guess because I went there,
and my "research" is based on remembering how many people in my class
became tech writers.


In article <4dg72c$rm3 -at- news -dot- cis -dot- okstate -dot- edu>, Grant Hogarth
<GRANT -at- onyxgfx -dot- com> wrote:

> I believe (but do not *know*) that UBC and Ryerson Polytechnic also
> offer degrees.


> > Larry Kunz (ldkunz -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com) wrote:
> > >STC isn't pushing certification at all. Quite a few
> > >of our members are, of course. And some of the most vocal of those
> > >members are in Canada -- a country which lacks even a single degree
> > >program in TechComm.
> >
> > University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada, provides a Bachelor's degree in
> > Technical Communications.

Anne Weiler
Media Development
Chancery Software
(604) 294-1233

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