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Subject:Web page, catalogs, and downloading docs From:Tracy Boyington <trlyboyi -at- GENESIS -dot- ODVTE -dot- STATE -dot- OK -dot- US> Date:Mon, 22 Jan 1996 09:16:15 +0000
Hello techwhirlers
I need your expert advice on two aspects of our WWW page.
1. We want to provide an on-line catalog and let users search by
title or keyword (in title or description). Our catalog currently
exists only in PageMaker, and we're experimenting with a program
called (MaxiCat? MiniCat?) to put it on CD-ROM/diskette, but
we're not committed to this program. Does anybody know of a
good way to do this? Any software suggestions?
2. We want users to be able to download documents (free samples
that include graphics and can get pretty big). The users needs to be
able to view/print these in their original format. I'm planning to use
Adobe Acrobat, but I'm having some problems with version 1.0 for
Windows. It's incredibly slow, both to convert and to download. I'm
waiting on version 2.0 for the Mac...will this be an improvement? Or
does anybody have any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Tracy Boyington
Technical Communication Specialist
Oklahoma Department of Vocational & Technical Education
Stillwater, Oklahoma
I never express opinions, but if one slips out, it belongs
to me and not ODVTE.
"I think I did pretty well, considering I started out
with nothing but a bunch of blank paper."
-- Steve Martin