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Re: Why We Need Good Software Manuals
I'm glad this topic has come up. I recently received a call from a=
field rep for our products, and his question was "Why isn't there a=
manual?" (All our documentation for the product is online, except =
for =
the installation instructions.)
I have always been a proponent of minimalist documentation. Big =
manuals intimidate me. I don't have time to read manuals unless I =
want to solve a problem. I figure if the manual is huge, the produ=
ct =
is probably not very intuitive.
Yet, there are some times that I desire a manual. If I want to =
research an issue I probably want the manual. Reference material i=
s =
best left in a manual.
I disagree that the answer is to provide everything in both places.=
There are certain topics more suited to online, just as there are =
topics more suited to manuals. It is our task to discover what the=
se =
are by asking the user.
Instead of throwing everything at them, maybe we should first ask t=
he =
following questions: 1) is the topic even useful to the user 2) =
in =
what format should this topic be presented
Our real task is not whether we should provide everything in a manual or=
but determining what topics the user even wants to see explained.
Just my 2 cents!
Caryn Rizell
Learning Products Engineer
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________=
Subject: Re: Why We Need Good Software Manuals
Author: Non-HP-TECHWR-L (TECHWR-L -at- listserv -dot- okstate -dot- edu) at HP-Roseville=
Date: 1/22/96 6:38 AM
I firmly believe that both the online help and the manual should be as =
thorough and comprehensive as possible and that they both should contain=
essentially the same information. I also believe that both should contai=
n =
both task-based and reference data. IMO, anything less than that is a =
disservice to the user. Some users are more comfortable with online help=
, =
others are more comfortable with paper documents. We should be providing=
documentation for the end user in a form that he or she is comfortable =
using. It may cost a bit more, but I think those costs are offset by =
goodwill from satisfied customers.
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