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Subject:Re: Manuals on CD-ROM From:loryn <loryn -at- OZEMAIL -dot- COM -dot- AU> Date:Fri, 26 Jan 1996 10:23:58 1000
Yes, but as a user of electronic documentation, I hate PDF formatted documents. They have the usage restrictions of paper manuals, and are difficult to read on-screen because of their print-oriented output.
From: Binion Amerson <aba -at- oc -dot- com>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 1996 6:25
To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L <TECHWR-L -at- listserv -dot- okstate -dot- edu>
Subject: Re: Manuals on CD-ROM
Last spring, we at OpenConnect Systems were about to spend a bundle to
place our documents on CD-ROM. At the 1995 STC Annual Conference, I
attended sessions on CD-ROM and the WWW. After I returned with new
information just learned, we discussed the entire issue and decided to
convert our documents to PDF files using Acrobat and to distribute them to
our customers using free Acrobat Readers via the WWW. We are Beta Testing
the system using our internal staff and our field offices. If you have
not considered Acrobat, go to for information.
Binion Amerson
Director-Sponsor, STC Region 5
Binion Amerson, Senior Technical Writer, OpenConnect Systems, 2711 LBJ,
Suite 800, Dallas, TX 75234, Ph 214/888-0447; Fax 214/484-6100;
E-mail (B): aba -at- oc -dot- com (H): aba -at- unicomp -dot- net STC URL
Director-Sponsor, Society for Technical Communication (STC) Region 5.