Re: WinHELP Philosophy

Subject: Re: WinHELP Philosophy
From: "James M.Lockard" <norton -at- MCS -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 07:23:52 -0600

David Dubin writes:

"Help is not a lineal environment, as a user's manual is, even an
electronic user's manual."

While it's true that winhelp tends to be more hypertextual than linear, a
user's manual is not necessarily a linear text. A novel is linear, but
readers tend to bounce around in a technical document. Cross references,
tables of contents, indexes: they are all paper-based hypertextual tools. A
manual is not linear simply because it resides on paper rather than your
computer's memory.

Sorry to pick nits.
James Lockard
norton -at- mcs -dot- net

"I meant what I said, and I said what I meant."
--Horton the Elephant

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