Screen Capture Programs--?

Subject: Screen Capture Programs--?
From: K Watkins <KWATKINS -at- QUICKPEN -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 14:00:00 -0300

Kamela J. Salyers DeAtley asks:
>Can anyone recommend a good screen capture program?

If you're not working in Windows, I wouldn't know. But if you're working in
Windows, you needn't spend a red cent. PrintScreen captures the entire
screen onto the Clipboard; Alt-PrintScreen captures only the current window.
In most cases, you can then paste that image directly into the application
of your choice.

To use only one section of the image:

1. Paste it into the Paint program that comes with Windows. Make sure you
can see everything you want to include; this program cuts off anything you
paste, right at the edges of the visible window.

2. Use the Pick tool (scissors cutting out a rectangular area) to mark the
section of the image you want.

3. Choose Copy To... from the Edit menu and provide the name of the file to
hold the newly trimmed image. The automatic extension is .BMP (for BitMaP).

K Watkins
kwatkins -at- quickpen -dot- com
speaking for myself, not my employers

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