Passive/active voice in int'l documents

Subject: Passive/active voice in int'l documents
From: Betsy Maaks <bmaaks -at- TELLABS -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 17:14:49 CST

Dear Tech-whirlers,

I received this message requesting some advice and insight into the accepted
use of passive voice vs. active voice in international documents. Please
respond to the original sender, and direct your questions to him. Thanks.

Your devoted listlurker
B. Maaks

----- Begin Included Message -----

My current work assignment is to write a series of pre-sale product fliers
that will be used outside North America. The fliers will be used in English
in many areas and translated for most of the European countries where English
is not widely used.

I am getting some opposition from my company clients in England to the switch
from the passive voice (part of our company tradition) to active voice.

For example, I change...

``Product A is available with options B and C.''


``You can select option B and C to use with product A.'' or ``Select either
option A or B.''

Do you or members of your PIC consider this a good change for international

If you have a bulletin board or other means that I could put this question
out for consideration, let me know.

If you just want to give me your opinion, that is O.K., too.

I can be reached at...


BJPETE -at- FRMAIL -dot- FRCO -dot- COM

(515) 754-3257 (voice).

Thanks in advance.

Bert Peterson
Senior Communications Specialist
Fisher Controls International, Inc.
205 South Center Street
Marshalltown, Iowa 50158

----- End Included Message -----

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