Interleaf and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Subject: Interleaf and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
From: "Dave L. Meek's User Account" <dave -at- SYNERGEX -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 1996 11:18:00 -0800

Susan Self said:

>I don't know of any studies, but I have long suspected myself that
>"mousing" a lot is not good for a person. A fellow here who was using
>Interleaf on an X-terminal had carpel tunnel syndrome very badly. He had all
>kinds of wrist protectors and mouse pads and whatever to alleviate the pain.

David (The Man) Blyth replied:
T'was I (Hi Susan!).

On my last job, I feel like I had two different types of pain - my arms and
shoulders hurt from keyboarding, my wrist and hands hurt from mousing. I
could get a little relief by switching from mouse to keyboard, or vice versa.


I've never suffered from CTS, nor do my wrist and hand hurt from
mousing, but I have noticed my shoulder (specifically my
deltoids) hurts after prolonged mousing. Is anyone else
experiencing this problem?

|"Important principles may, and must, be inflexible." |
| Abraham Lincoln |

Dave Meek

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