Re: HTML editors I have known--one fleetingly...

Subject: Re: HTML editors I have known--one fleetingly...
From: Jack Shaw <jsh -at- SOFTWARE-AG -dot- DE>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 1996 13:05:59 -0800

Suzanne Pyle asked about HTML editors.

My vote goes to HotDog for about $US 120, downloadable
from After doing what I thought
was clever and extensive research, I first bought HoTMetaL,
which I tried and finally gave up on. I didn't like HoTMetaL's
doc., customer support was slow to respond (I was in a pickle
trying to catch up on a mass of legacy stuff, and needed help
FAST!!), and HoTMetaL tried too hard to idiot-proof the HTML
aspects. I don't think that's right, nor necessary. HTML is
not all that hard unless you're trying to hype the Freemen
in the Billings Gazette (, which uses
nested tables until purgatory won't have it...stuff like that).

Where was I...oh, yeah: And HoTMetaL's "clever" I-know-where-we-
are-and-what-you-want-to-do mechanisms are not as intuitive as
the creator, SoftQuad, would like to think they are.

But I think I like HotDog mainly because it's based on the
philosophy, "Hey, you decide if you want HTML 2.0 plus Netscape
extensions plus MS bells and whistles...I'm just your editor".
And I like the following that HotDog has:

- Help (detailed, clickable examples, quick reference keyed by
HTML version and extension type--Netscape, MS, etc.)

- Smooth transition to multiple browser choices for previewing your
handiwork. I check my stuff with Netscape, DosLynx, Explorer
and Mosaic--any or all of which I can call cleanly from HotDog
(until WfW311/MSDOS chokes, that is...but that's not HotDog's
problem). HoTMetaL Pro 2/3.60 is a basket case, have
to kill the active browser and then restart it each time.

Oops, gotta go...if someone wants more of my opinionation, send me
a note...



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