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CBT on the WWW or Lotus Notes -- Summary (long)
CBT on the WWW or Lotus Notes -- Summary (long)
Rich_VanDeventer -at- NOTES -dot- PW -dot- COM
Tue, 9 Apr 1996 10:12:53 EDT
Thanks to all who responded to my question (or similar questions) that I posted
3/21 to both Techwr-l and Trdev-l:
I need to know what experience anyone has had with using
either the WWW or Lotus Notes to provide interactive,
multimedia CBT, training documentation, and/or just-in-time training.
Summary: Although the response seemed to light, it appears that using the
internet for CBT and training documentation is still in its infancy. It is
restricted by narrow bandwidths and hardware/software compatibility
The combination of high interest and rapidly advancing technology should make
the use of the internet for CBT and training documentation a common occurrence
within the next few years.
Response summaries:
mpackman @ cisco.com @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
Check out the Cisco Systems web site at http://www.cisco.com. Almost all of our
documentation is there, including training documentation.
asdxvlk @ okway.okstate.edu @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
... About a month ago, I was told that Lotus Notes 4.0 was the new thing and
that I needed to learn all about it so that I'd be able to teach everyone else
on campus how to use it for Web Publishing. It has been a continual source of
frustration for me.
Perhaps, it is the greatest thing since creamed corn; but, I certainly don't
have that opinion of it (as yet, anyway).
warren @ esys.ca @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
I am also curious if you (Rich) anyone else has looked into other products that
enable the same functionality. Possibly an IMAP based non-proprietary solution?
3/22 Bill
whetzel @ kpmg.com @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
I'm an Instructional Designer with KPMG, and we also looked into the
feasibility of using the web as a delivery medium. Our conclusion: It isn't
practical for multimedia elements to be incorporated into WWW pages due to the
current bandwidth restrictions and computer hardware available to users.
...We haven't given up on using the Web just yet. We are currently looking at
a vendor that provides a computer-aided-testing product that can be transformed
into an HTML readable/CGI-BIN program. Thus, participants could take a
web-based self study course (text only, probably) and then take a web-based
online test -- all of which should meet CPE requirements.
You might want to look at these sites to get some ideas:
TDCPX @ ccmail.ceco.com @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
Looking forward to your summary, Rich.
3/22 Karen
iskknox @ state.me.us @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
...I work for Maine State Government and we recently
made the Lotus Smart Suite our standardized desktop software. We are also
beginning to at Lotus Notes. Any information you receive would be of interest
to me. Would you please forward any information you receive?
3/23 Kathleen
kkelm @ oise.on.ca @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
We have just opened our web page, composed entirely using Notes 4 (pre-release
version of web page authoring tool). I would suggest that you take a look to
see what a version 1.0 effort looks like.
http: //www.computerstudies.ca
If you would like to speak to use, call either myself or Jason Questor.
3/25 Craig
We are just starting to make the transition to Notes 4.0. Lets keep in touch
to compare notes as we go.
craig -dot- lake -at- astd -dot- noli -dot- com
3/25 Judy
judy_boyd @ esri.com @ Internet
... I am also an education specialist. My group
develops course materials for instructor-led training
for end users of our software (geographic information
systems). We have 20 courses -- about 7,000 pages
of couse manuals. Yikes!...
3/26 Sean
digitome @ iol.ie @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
I noted your posting in the tech. writers list with interest as we have done
some work with Price Waterhouse London in this area.
We specialise in Electronic Publishing using SGML and have developed a product
(IDM - Intelligent Document Manager) to support the automatic creation of Notes
databases, WWW sites, Winhelp files etc. direct from SGML source documents. We
have worked with PW London to use our SGML technology
to produce PW Researcher CD files & Notes Databases from the same auditing
regulation documents.
We have also worked with the ACCA (similar to the CPA in the SU) to produce
FInD - Financial Information Database. This is a database of
auditing/accounting/legislation documents published in Lotus Notes, Folio
Views, Windows Help and World Wide Web formats using our SGML publishing
If you would like to know more about our products and services please feel free
to contact me or visit our web-site.
3/26 Ken
EstabKB1 @ personl1.lponet.jhuapl.edu
Proposal for a "T&D via Intranet Practitioners Network"
..."'Intranet'-based training, that is 'on-line' training and staff development
via the corporate internal Internet. I have been doing this for some months
now, and have some 'lessons learned' I would be willing to share with those
of you who are interested. And, I am VERY interested in learning from those of
you currently involved in similar efforts."
... "we" Intranet T&D types need to establish an
informal network to share experiences (both triumphs and tragedies) in
developing T&D tools and programs on the corporate Intranet.
So, if you would like to join this "T&D via Intranet Practitioners Network,"
i.e., those of us working in the corporate trenches to establish effective T&D
tools and programs on the corporate Intranet, e-mail me the following
1. Your name
2. Job title
3. Company name
4. E-mail address
5. Snail mail address
6. Phone/fax number
7. Short discussion of what your company and you are doing "T&D-wise" on the
NOTE: The emphasis here is on information sharing, not information SELLING, so
join only if you're willing to do this for the gratuitous betterment of man and
Via "trng_dev -at- cyberspace," I plan to post periodically Intranet T&D information
and tips (both mine and those sent to me by others) to members of the
network...(uh-oh, I just realized that "T&D via Intranet Practitioners Network"
abbreviates to TIPNET. Sounds too contrived. I'll have to think up another
name...perhaps one that abbreviates to
I will also post "trng_dev -at- cyberspace" on TRDEV-L to share with LISTSERV
members Intranet-related "tips" of a more general interest.
... "Trng_dev -at- cyberspace" will be simply my attempt (and
contribution) to organize Intranet-related postings into "topics" and
disseminate the information to Intranet T&D practitioners. Either way, we'll
all learn from each other.
Project Leader, Internet-Based Training
e-mail: Ken -dot- Estabrook -at- jhuapl -dot- edu
voice: (301) 953-6000 x8230
(410) 792-6000 x8230
fax: (301) 953-6047
(410) 792-6047
The Johns Hopkins University
3/27 Linda
linda-swift @ hlp.com @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
In response to Peter Elkin's query about using CBT to teach computer skills, I
have been struggling with the same issues for several months for our user
audience of 4,000.
Short term: Go with LAN-based CBT courses so that employees at all work sites
can have access to the material without coming to the downtown training
center. This limits us to CBT courses that have little or no sound and no
full-motion video, because the network does not have enough bandwidth to carry
this and all the other data traffic.
In addition, we will set up a learning lab (2-4 PCs) at the downtown training
center where people can come to take CBT courses if they need to get away from
the demands of the office.
Longer-term: Install electronic performance support programs to run on the LAN
concurrent with the software. Using this technology, people can learn as they
are actually using their application software. I thought this was a long way
off in the future, but the other day I saw a demo by a rep from PTS Learning
Systems and I was bowled over. They are a producer of training manuals and
materials, but they have come out with performance support software that bears
an uncanny resemblance to my vision of the "ideal" training program. You can
reach them at 800-387-8878. The Texas sales rep/manager is Ryan
Bertrand at 602-596-1007. I have no affiliation with them, I just liked their
Linda Swift
Houston Lighting & Power Co.
(713) 207-3767
(Linda-Swift @ hlp.com)
3/29 Kevin
kevin @ copernicus.bbn.com @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
Internet based training
Many organizations are doing this right now. Universities have been doing it
for years. My organization - the Leadership Group - offers Internet-based
classes for teachers.
There are many benefits for the learners: self-paced, easy to ask questions,
and so forth.
For the instructor, there are several challenges to be overcome: determining
the right communications format (email, chat, teleconferencing and so forth),
determining the right mix of independent study v. live instruction, equipment,
billing, and so forth. The challenges can be
overcome and the rewards are terrific.
Kevin P. Dwyer
The Leadership Group BBN-Authorized Training
528 Lovely Street Avon CT 06001
860/673-3531 (w) 860/673-7796 (h)
4/8 Mike
mikesiv @ q.continuum.net @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
...I'm beginning an Intranet project and am very interested in using
performance engineering concepts for our WWW design.
Mike Sivertsen
Scientist-Information Systems
Northeast Utilities
Waterford, CT
(860) 440-2182
4/8 Tammy
tddewar @ acs.ucalgary.ca @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
Internet Based Training
I am completing a course called Teaching Online with a company named Cybercorp
Inc (http://www. cybercorp.net). Most of the participants are from educational
institutions across North American, Europe, Australia and South America. I can
only think of one person who is from industry and I am an independent education
It is an excellent course (in fact better than most of my "regular" educational
experiences!) and very helpful for anyone considering using the Internet/WWW
for education and training. In addition to the advantages of participating
from my home and when I want, I've developed friendships and possible future
work opportunities with other
participants from around the world.
There appears to be a fair amount of educational activity using the
Internet/WWW and I have an intuitive sense this is starting to happen in
businesss. From a learner's perspective, this is the way to go! It moves us
closer to a model of lifelong learning that is integrated into our personal and
professional lives and helps to develop a global sense of community. Beats
being shuffled away to a classroom once a week....
If you have any questions, I'd be pleased to answer.
Tammy Dewar, M.Ed.
tddewar -at- acs -dot- ucalgary -dot- ca
reeser @ indtech.it.ilstu.edu @ Internet (MENLO PARK-GATE1)
Brief survey on Internet as a training medium
I am a graduate student as Illinois State University and my M.S.
focuses on corporate training and development. As part of this program
I am conducting an investigation into the use of the Internet as a
training medium. The subjects to be surveyed are members of training
departments. The study will include mid to large sized companies who
have employees in many sites around the nation/world. If you do
not fall within the description mentioned above please do not complete
this survey. The purpose of this survey is to identify your perspective
on current or planned use of the Internet for training. The survey will
only take a few minutes (8 questions)... your responses will be kept
completely confidential.
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