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Subject:OCSTC Seminar From:Robert Morgan Courtney <bobsc -at- IX -dot- NETCOM -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 15 Apr 1996 09:01:25 -0700
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News Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Sandi Giles
STC Press Release line
(714) 863-7666
E-mail: 71532 -dot- 570 -at- compuserve -dot- com
Using Scanners and Enhancing Your Images
Irvine, CA. -- Up-to-date information is a must to keep up with
today's fast paced technology. This seminar can help you add scanned
images to web pages, online help, or documents. Join Aaron Imaoka for
an informative day of learning how to scan photographs and about
techniques on how to enhance them.
Aaron is employed by Rockwell Semiconductor Systems of Newport Beach as
a Senior Technical Writer. In his endeavors, he has learned to use hand
held scanners, flatbed scanners, and CCD cameras. He is responsible for
some of the outstanding images seen on the OCSTC web pages, as well as
having some of them published in one of the country's largest amateur
astronomy oranization's newsletter. He belongs to the EOA
(Electronically Oriented Astronomy) SIG (special interest group), where
he helped design and build the clubs CCD camera which takes and
processes digital images.
To make a reservation for this outstanding meeting, call (714)
863-7666. The meeting will be held at Unisys Corporation, 25725
Jeronimo Rd., Mission Viejo on May 11, 1996 from 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
$40 Members/$60 Nonmembers.
The Society for Technical Communication is a non-profit organization
dedicated to providing educational programs and networking
opportunities in technical communication for its members and the
community. The STC has more than 20,000 members internationally and
boasts nearly 400 members in the Orange County Chapter.
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