Re: WP6.0 -> Word6.0 conversion

Subject: Re: WP6.0 -> Word6.0 conversion
From: Margaret Packman <mpackman -at- CISCO -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 1996 11:38:56 -0700

Since there seems to be a lot of interest in the subject, here's part of a
message I sent to Marta off-line (I'm assuming you've already downloaded
the converter files from the Microsoft ftp site. As someone (sorry, I
already erased the message) wrote, Word6 was released before WP6, hence the
need to download separate converter files.):

The WP6 files are *not* automatically recognized by Word6. When you select
"Open" and the document name, it will say "unrecognized". Then you have to
go down the list and actually select WP6. There's a readme file for the
converter with special instructions on where to install things -- you
*must* follow the procedures in the readme or it won't work.

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