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Subject:Marketing Comm Sessions at STC Conference From:Janice King <JANICEKING -at- DELPHI -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 29 Apr 1996 15:29:31 -0500
If you're interested in marketing writing, you will want to attend these sessions at the STC Annual Conference in Seattle next week.
PD 9F Wednesday, 8:30-10:00 AM **** NOTE NEW TIME *****
"Survival Skills for Marketing Writers"
Presenters: Janice King and Larry Kunz
Essential tips and tricks for anyone involved in marketing projects.
ET 11A Wednesday, 2:00-3:30 PM
"Creating an Academic Program for Technical Marketing Communication"
Presenters: Janice King and Judy Ramey
Would you like to see college courses offered for technical marketing writing? If yes, attend this lively discussion session.
WE 2A Monday, 10:30 AM - Noon
"A Technical Writer's Guide to Industrial Journalism"
Presenter: Chas Dowd
Part of the "Techniques, Tools, and Procedures" progression. Describes writing for in-house and trade magazines.
TR 7C Tuesday, 2:00-3:30 PM
"Interactive Marketing and Product Design"
Presenter: Bruce Gibbs
Describes the different tools available for interactive marketing communication.
VC 8B Tuesday, 4:00-5:30 PM
"Collaboration Between Visual and Marketing Communicators"
Presenters: Martha Bednarz, Mary Cantando, Chris Kruell
Learn how to better incorporate visual communication into your marketing materials.
Numerous sessions will be offered on the Internet/World Wide Web, international communication, and multimedia -- too many to list here. Check the final program to confirm all session times.
Also, look for marketing communication tables at the networking lunch on Monday and the PIC lunch on Tuesday.
Seattle is my home town, so here's my advice for all who are attending the conference: Bring an umbrella, layered clothing, and good walking shoes. The hotels are farther away from the Convention Center than they appear on the map. Plus, you'll walk
a lot once you're inside the Center. Plan to leave your hotel packed and ready for the day, because you won't have time to go back to your room between sessions. Expect cool, rainy weather -- but maybe we'll get lucky and see sun and 70 degrees.
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