Re: CHAT: Re: Word 7

Subject: Re: CHAT: Re: Word 7
From: David Jones/KSBEISD <David_Jones/KSBEISD -dot- KSBEISD -at- DATAHUB -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 13:28:55 HST

IBM's OS/2 documentation refers to the mouse buttons as Mouse Button 1 (MB1)
and Mouse Button 2 (MB2). This works regardless of the way you have the mouse

I use a graphics tablet, not a mouse. I have a tip button and a barrel button.
It's easier for me to match MB1 to the tip and MB2 to the barrel than to match
the left/right terms.

(BTW, if you're left handed, you might consider a graphics tablet. The stylus
works just like a pen.)

Another possibility for mouse users would be to refer to the buttons as "index"
and "middle" (for the fingers used on them). Of course, that might not match
quite right, either. My wife uses her ring finger on MB2 ... This terminology,
of course, has problems if your docs need to cross language/culture barriers

David Jones, Technical Writer
David_Jones/KSBEISD -dot- KSBEISD -at- Datahub -dot- com
Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate

"I do not speak for my employer, my computer, or any other living thing."
============original message below==============
Most recently from David Ibbetson:
> Victor Chapel writes:
>>In response to Marta Cepek's Word 7 notes:
>>> * Spell-checking as you type (any words not recognized arel
>>> underlined with a red wavy line, and the word can then be
>>> right clicked for spelling options).

> I would have to LEFT-click to get these spelling options.

How about FAR-Click? away-click or alternate-click? or
Third-button-click? 8-} I do almost _everything_
left-handed except write, including all sports, but
I would never consider someone not right-clicking...
In my only documents at that level I illustrated and
labeled all three mouse buttons, left-middle-right.
Have any techwrlers solved this another way?

Victor Chapel The Technical Resource Connection Tampa

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