Re[2]: Online help for Mac

Subject: Re[2]: Online help for Mac
From: Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- COM
Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 11:52:00 -0600

The resulting help has the same "look and feel" and
functionality as the Windows/PC help.

Unless you are developing for the Mac *only*, I wouldn't bother with

Repeat after me... "If I wanted a Windows machine I would have bought a
Windows machine...If I had wanted a Windows machine I would have bought a
Windows machine...."

Yes, there are valid reasons for doing exactly the same thing on both
platforms. But, in doing so, you should prepare yourself for the above

If your product will only be used in shops with lots of Windows machines
and no or few Macs, you can get away with that attitude. But you'll get
fewer sales to Mac-only or big number Mac shops if you ignore the reasons
folks bought into the platform in the first place.

You see, when someone bucks the majority opinion, there's quite often very
good reasons behind it. If your product fails to take advantage of those
reasons, and someone else's does, you'll likely lose the battle for that
particular customer.

Personally, when AppleGuide is available I can't understand why someone
would *want* to use something as primitive as WinHelp. But then, I perplex

Have fun,
Chief Managing Director In Charge, Department of Redundancy Department
DNRC 124

Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- JCI -dot- Com
In God we trust; all others must provide data.
Opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
If JCI had an opinion on this, they'd hire someone else to deliver it.

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