Re: Re[2]: Programming Tools -- How Prevalent Are They? - LONG ( (#92701

Subject: Re: Re[2]: Programming Tools -- How Prevalent Are They? - LONG ( (#92701
From: Bill Burns <wburns -at- MICRON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 31 May 1996 15:56:50 -0600

31-MAY-1996 15:34:06.99

> For example, why would the average person be interested in math or
> science when our culture has planted the techno-dweeb image so firmly
> in his or her mind--not only using television and film, but in the
> very concepts of what constitutes masculinity and femininity?
> Obviously, the average learner's attention is going to be lessened if
> they've learned that the culture doesn't value whatever the learner is
> being taught.

>Not being a Gen-Xer (I'm a fat, balding, overaged hippie, myself) I probably
>shouldn't comment. But implicit in the above statement is an attitude that
>really knots my shorts.

>Ever notice how our deficiencies are never our fault? They're always someone
>else's fault. Our bad habits are just that -- ours. We may have had the
>benefit of good teachers, but we still learned 'em ourselves, we did, and we
>orta be proud of 'em, and not be so quick to credit someone else.

Not what I intended to convey, but I can see why you could have seen it. I'm
not necessarily saying that the things they pay attention to are bad--they're
just different. Also, the concept that television alone had this impact and no
other factors contributed is spurious. Could they possibly run a double-blind
study and support such a claim? Can they do any more than claim that a
correlation exists? Do other correlations exist? If so, could they have had
more of an impact on the attention spans of the generation?

I was trying to suggest that there may be many contributing factors aside from
the "televisual-lobotomy" theory. And I also don't like the assumption that
Gen X = slackers with short attention spans.

Now--what were you saying a minute ago?


Bill Burns
Assembly Training and Documentation Supervisor

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