Paper documentation fonts

Subject: Paper documentation fonts
From: DAVID IBBETSON <ibbetson -at- IDIRECT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 1996 09:26:20 -0400

Marci Abels writes:
>We have a new head of the department now and I want to propose that we
>continue to use Helvetica for section heads, call outs, and titles, but go
>to a serif font for the body copy. <snip> but I'll need some to justify
making a >change.

Why not prepare some samples? Use the same page set as at present and as you

David (the idiot) Ibbetson

David Ibbetson, Ontario, Canada ibbetson -at- idirect -dot- com

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differ fromthose of common sense only as far as the guardsman's cut and
thrust differ from the manner in which a savage wields his club --T.H.
Huxley: Collected Essays, iv. The Method of Zadig

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