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Subject:Re: Re : Revision Dates (are they necessary ???) From:"Parks, Beverly L." <parksb -at- HUACHUCA-EMH7 -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL> Date:Tue, 23 Jul 1996 13:30:00 MST
Frederic Wronecki[SMTP:frederic -dot- wronecki -at- WANADOO -dot- FR] wrote:
May I raise a heretic question :
Is it mandatory to place a date on a document ?
And the drawback of dates is that an "old" document
is more easily suspected of not being valid.
As a user, I -want- to see the date on a document or manual. I -want- to
know how current it is. When someone recommends a book to me, I also want
to know the most recent copyright date. If the book is old (by whatever
personal definition I give "old" at the time), I may not buy it because
I'll assume that there is probably more current information somewhere.
However, a document without a date is just as suspect as one with an
"old" date.
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