Re: Why do engineers do it? (Was: Reorganization Question)

Subject: Re: Why do engineers do it? (Was: Reorganization Question)
From: "Colleen Dancer (02) 333-1862" <DANCER -dot- COLLEEN -at- A2 -dot- ABC -dot- NET -dot- AU>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 14:45:20 +1000

Jim said:
Many engineers work for the sake of the mental challenge, for the
opportunity to expand their knowledge, for the chance to try new things.
It's the behavior of the geek.

Then I'm a geek :) I may not have a n engineering degree, but a Com Sci,
but the reasons expressed are still some of my main reasons for working.
The reasons do not preclude anyone from having a customer focus or
anything else.

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