Obsession with University Degrees

Subject: Obsession with University Degrees
From: Frank Carelli <frank -at- CARELLI -dot- COM>
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 1996 13:44:01 -0400

Have mercy on those of us who have involuntarily had our mailboxes
filled with drivel about university degrees. Please - spare us from any more
quibbling over the subject.

It is hard to believe that technical writers would engage in over
generalization to the extent demonstrated in the discussion. Many of the
messages seem to be based on a premise that all university degrees and the
people that possess them fall into a narrow band of similarity.

The looseness of the language in the discussion is also surprising
to me. Since when does the inclusion of educational background in the
evaluation of job applicants constitute an "obsession?"

I have hired many technical writers based on a diverse mix of
qualifications which usually includes educational background. I hope those
qualifications have some logical relationship to the job and result in the
selection of the best candidate.

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